Thursday, January 28, 2010

Trouble in School

Justin's Teacher this year: Mrs. Dufour

Although I have admitted to sometimes pretending that life is rosy when really it's murky, I still have to stand by the fact that there is usually laughter that can be found in the worst of situations. Justin has been a PILL the past week or so and we're having a ton of trouble with him in school. Important to note: I often read these posts to the kids but I will probably skip reading this one to Justin for at least a year (or 10).

The scoop goes like this: Justin's started Spanish again recently as well as joined an after school program on "electricity and magnetism" put on by POW Science. (Which is an incredible family run business here in Rhode Island). He got sent to the Principal's office on Tuesday for talking out in the science program and then the Spanish teacher admitted that she's at her wit's end with him. We're having a tough week...that's all there is to say about it!

Here's the comedy of the whole situation. John and I have been trading emails with his teacher and principal throughout the week and Justin's a little irritated that he can't seem to keep a secret from us. I wrote to Mrs. Dufour (his absolutely amazing teacher) and let her know that Justin has some turmoil going on at home with John and Zachary leaving for Florida. She is wonderful at putting things in perspective and here is what she says today:

Hi Lisa,

Thanks for letting me know all this. It certainly must be stress producing for him. AND you too!He came in today a different boy. So far we did morning work, and then up on the rug for a long while and he was focused the whole time. Now they are at music since the music teacher could not take us yesterday we have it today. I gave him a reminder about thinking the whole time. I just went by there and they are doing square dancing.....OMG.....not the easiest activity for Justin to be perfect with. I just hope he does not dosie do some girl to the floor! But we'll see how the day goes. He is a great kid....and he needs to just think a lot about keeping his body under control. I'll be in touch.


1 comment:

  1. Two good days in a row to end out the week. Maybe it just took knowing that we were actually paying attention!
