Thursday, January 14, 2010

Talk with my Dad

I had a great talk with my Dad on the phone today. We talked about what life seems to bring our way and how we choose to deal with it. I was sharing with him that this year has completely changed my life and he said he wanted to hear about it. It's amazing how my Dad never offers advice but asks the questions you never think to ask yourself:

"What makes you happy about what you're doing now?"
"What has changed?"
"What do you want to do next?"

Let's see. The answers are easy:

"I'm spending more time with my family"
"My focus has shifted to my family"
"Spend more time with my family"

John, Justin, Annalise: I thank God for each of you every day. As I grow and learn more about the world, everything good comes back to one of you.

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