Thursday, January 28, 2010

Go Chargers!

Brody and Katina made a cake - I ate most of it

The kids getting into the game

Swan Palace and Captain Rex

Katina and Demetra

Captain Rex commanding the push up drills

A casualty of the push up drill - As you can see they were crushed!

Graysie and a tired Captain Rex

Round 2 of the Push Up Game

Da Boyz

This post is a little bit outdated because we've been busy, but I wanted to catch everyone up on our football party. The date was January 8th and the Chargers were headed to the playoffs again. Our hopes were high going in to the game and we were sure we'd see the Chargers go all the way. We had the usual suspects at our house for the occasion: The VonBergens, Dolbys, Chesters and Perlmutters. The usual chaos was a great comfort to me and I was smiling as the kids started the normal loops around the house. Julie (Charlie's sister) was visiting and she was at the party with us. She was the only one smart enough not to break open the wine or the "tokillya". (Figures, since she's a Professor and all).

The highlights of the day were when Zane (aka Captain Rex) and Annalise were quietly playing with the Swan Palace while the older boys got rowdy. Zachary melted my heart when he sat down next to me and asked me to explain football to him. He picked a favorite player (Darren Sproles) and watched for him the whole time. Demetra came in, watched everyone, and quickly figured out that she was going to have to get tough in order to keep up. Demetra is a self assured snuggle bug and I can never get enough hugs from her! Bayley and Graysie were here holding their own and the fun certainly jumped up a notch when Charlie got on the floor to do pushups with the kids. All of them. On his back.

Even though the Chargers lost, we had a great day with great food (John was cooking again!) and some amazing friends. Justin and Annalise love having "built in friends" in our town here and I hope they will never forget the relationships they have created.


  1. Looks like you guys had a great time - bummed the Bolts lost - but GO COLTS!

  2. Hey Chargers....... YOU SUCK!!! 87 yds in penalties or something like that. Ridiculous!! Me thinks that their coach did not prepare them very well.
