We spent New Year's Eve together at home with a fire, crafts, sparkling cider, "America's Funniest Home Videos Marathon" and plenty of pots and pans to bang together at midnight. This was Justin's idea (thanks completely to his Grandparents!). We have traditionally spent New Year's Eve with my study abroad friends (because they are awesome!) but that wasn't in the cards this year. We did manage to keep in touch through emails, texts, and video conference (Stacy is an awesome video chat date). Technology is amazing!
The kids had a great evening and I couldn't help but feel sad to see the year end. It's been a tremendous one for my family! We came to Rhode Island not knowing what to expect and I certainly remember feeling anxious, nervous, and scared about the whole idea. Having gone to college in Boston, I thought I knew what the area was about and I was not excited about having to deal with the cold. In short, I thought I knew everything...
When we arrived, I was shocked by the cold and further frustrated by the inability to find the routine things that I had come to count on while living in Southern California. Nowhere (nowhere) was I able to find a Target, Starbucks, Costco, or a familiar stucco house with a King Palm planted out front. I was upset when our car got snowed in and we didn't have any groceries in the house...I had no idea where to find a grocery store since there aren't strip malls all over the place. I was a fish out of water. I was scared but I decided to have a good attitude about it. (John and the kids were already on the "good attitude train" and I jumped on board). It's funny - as soon as I did that, things turned around and I fell completely in love with Portsmouth! This is the home of small town America where we know the guy driving the snow plow, our neighbor works at the grocery store, and we can count on anyone for anything. While I was initially irritated by the lack of familiar stores, what I found was that I could get everything I needed in the small town shops up and down Main Street and I could, more importantly, get local goods any time I wanted to! We reached out wherever we could and we suddenly had friends! Good Friends! It's amazing what you can find when you open your heart to new experiences.
This year has been a tremendous one for us. I have been able to work from home and John has been a student. This means that we've had plenty of time to be together. We have grown as a family and we have learned about what is important to us. I believe that things happen for a reason and I believe that we wound up in Portsmouth because we had gone a little awry in setting our priorities. For so long we have been running the rat race and keeping up with the fads that I lost sight of the fact that I already have absolutely everything in the world that anyone could ever want to have. And it's right in my own home. Justin has done so well here and we have learned simple tricks to help him be the best kid he can be. I see how important it is for us to be involved in his life, get him involved in activities where he can be successful, embrace the simple things like playing outdoors and eating good food, and helping him to tackle the "craziness" he sometimes feels by slowing down and remembering the basics. Annalise is growing up with a strong sense of confidence because she can go over to her friends' houses (or invite her friends to her house) and she can be given a little more independence here than she can in San Diego. Although she is commonly "wearing her sassy pants!" (hello attitude!!!), she is growing up very quickly and I have enjoyed spending so much "girl time" with her while she will still let me.
This year I resolve to keep living the life that I have found here in Portsmouth. I have found a way to be healthy and not have to rely on fads or diets or crazy ideas to "get in shape". I have found that I am a better person when I read a book. Playing games with the kids is a joy and it doesn't have to be complicated! They have a great time playing tic-tac-toe with me and they really enjoy it when I sit in their room and listen to them tell me an imaginary story. I appreciate the time I have with John and with our friends. It's so nice and healthy to spend time enjoying conversation with adults and learning other perspectives on life. I never realized how much you can learn from people if you just listen! I have always believed in balance and I believe now that I have learned how to achieve it. I may not always do the best job at everything, but what you will find with me is that I am happy as long as I am striving for that.
I'm anxious to see what the New Year brings!!! I'm so sad to see 2009 coming to a close, but what I have learned is that life is always ready to hand you a gift. As long as I remember that, anything that comes our way will be just fine with me.
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