Sunday, January 10, 2010

All in the name of "Mom"

Annalise was at a birthday party on Wednesday night (Briggs' 4th) and they were at Bounce Beach. She ate a lot of cake, ice cream, and nerds but not much else. John says he tried to get her something of substance (he laughs and says, "Not that Wendy's is any better...") but that she wasn't interested. She didn't even pay attention to the pizza. At least she had eaten colorful foods!

They got home about 8:00 and John called for me to come get her from the car since she was sleepy and he thought we could get her right into bed. When I picked her up, she told me her tummy hurt so I snuggled her and took her upstairs. I laid her on her tummy and patted her back to try to work out any gas but it didn't help. She cried a little bit and I picked her up to put her on my lap and hold her. She was there for about 30 seconds before it all came up. For perspective, she threw up so much that we now have a new mattress arriving in a couple of days. It was bad! I was a good Mom but the part I had a really hard time with was getting my own clothes off because they were covered in it. Pulling my shirt over my head was, um, gross.

She was sick all night and we stayed downstairs where she could lay on a plastic sheet hugging a trash can. She was still running a slight fever on Thursday and was feeling pretty good by Friday. As soon as she started to get better, and I had the chance to clean up a little bit, that DUMB DOG of ours went outside and rolled around in POOP!!! (This is a strange habit she has and we're not sure why she does it. She finds a pile of poop and lays her head in it before rolling all over and covering herself in the stuff. If you have any recommendations on this, I'm all ears!).

Friday night around 2:00am, Justin woke us up and let us know that he had thrown up. As you know, he is on the top bunk. Not convenient. Luckily his waterproof sheet was on his bed and we could pull that right off. This was all good except that I thought it was all in one spot and I started throwing blankets on the floor. Problem: one blanket was fully loaded! John helped clean the part I threw down onto the floor while I dealt with the laundry room again. He came downstairs to stay with Justin and I went upstairs to try to sleep. It's hard to fall asleep when you know your kid is downstairs feeling miserable. I even tried to read one of John's books from school and I made it all the way to page 17 of "India -Emerging" (or something like that). I fell asleep and when I got downstairs in the morning, John had gotten the bug too.

The extra funny part to the whole "week of throw-up and poop" is that during all of this we were playing "Mom and Dad" to the Property Manager who stole from us as well as the tenant (currently living in our house) who is lying to us. John was so mad that I was afraid he was going to jump into the phone and kill Alan! I got to figure out which one of them actually owes us part of the disputed amount. People are amazing these days...
My thought of the week: "Perspective!!!!"

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