Leftover Day!!! Exactly what it sounds like...friends and leftovers zapped in the microwave.
As is my normal style of organization, this day was a little "unplanned" and I'm lucky to have forgiving friends who will help me pull it all together. Polly and Zane arrived and Zane started playing with our kids while we enjoyed more appetizers and wine. Eventually, I started to wonder where Matt and Katina were so I gave them a call. If you know me, you'll laugh when you hear where they were. When Katina picked up the phone, she says "Oh, we're sitting here in our pajamas shopping on line." Hmm... Well, it seems that since I never got around to returning her messages, she didn't realize that we still had plans.
OK, OK...I'll work on that for my 2010 Resolutions. It's now written in a public forum!
Once the Chesters arrived, we had enough children in the house for pure mayhem! We had Justin, Annalise, Leah, Zane, Brody, and Demetra all running free. Justin was playing so nicely and being a good "big kid" with the kids that we thought everything was fine...until we heard some screaming from downstairs. Thinking it was a little kid getting hurt, John went downstairs to check on things. He found Justin with scratches all over him and what looked like the beginning of a black eye! The kids (led by his angelic little sister) had decided to "wrestle" with him. Toys got thrown at him and they climbed on top of him...He eventually got pushed over the side of the guest bed and crashed his head against the band saw. Yes, you read that right. When I saw the bruise I asked what he hit his head on and he told me "The saw that Dad was using to cut the pieces for the firewood rack!" Oh boy.
In summary: Justin wound up getting pushed over the side of the bed and cracked his head on the saw that was being stored along the wall on his way down. His back was swolen because someone had thrown the "Tech Deck" skate board ramp against his back leaving a nice scratch. Honestly, he was so good about it - he asked if he could go upstairs and watch a movie away from the little kids and he never tried once to retaliate. What a kid...
After that, the rest of the kids played nicely together and the parents chatted, napped, policed, and ate a whole lot more food! Excellent day...
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