After all of the years of traveling all over the place for Thanksgiving, we stayed put this year. It was really fun! I tried a few new recipes and John (if you can imagine this) cooked up a storm. He got a fresh turkey from Simmons Farm in Middletown and it was absolutely delicious! My Dad and Brother drove all the way from Michigan just to spend the day with us (that's about 30 hours of driving for 24 hours here). Polly brought Zane over and we had a great meal with family and "family-like friends". Justin remembered the game we used to play when we were camping with the cousins and he decided to lead that this year. He had Polly help him make small pieces of paper for everyone to write on and passed around a basket. We were all supposed to write something we were thankful for on the paper and put it back in the basket. The basket went around again once it was full and everyone read one of the pieces of paper. After each note was read, Justin was in charge of throwing it in the "campfire". It was a great game and we were even allowed a small degree of poetic license as we tried to determine what Annalise and Zane had written on their papers.
Before we were bound to the "Being Thankful" Game, Justin got an awful lot of pleasure out of touring ALL OVER the beach with Uncle Seth and Max. It's a good thing that God gave Seth plenty of patience because he was probably called upon to use it. The pictures came out great though! Seth was even brave enough to take our dog along with him for a while. Come on back any time, Little Brother!!! The house was very peaceful for a few minutes. We also had some friends over - Bayley and Leah came to hang out with us for quite a while before dinner was ready.
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