As Murphy's Law would dictate, on the morning that his project was due, it started POURING!!! I drove Justin to school with his poster in a garbage bag and his model in a box. My wipers were on super sonic speed and I still couldn’t see the car in front of me. I pulled into the school lot and Justin explained that parents are not allowed in the back door where the students go in, but the main door was a far walk from where we were parked. We worked out a plan for him to take the poster into his class and come back for his model while I waited outside holding it. Luckily, the teachers took pity on me (the poor rain-drenched Mom standing outside getting more rain drenched by the second) and they let me in. “Rules can be broken on a very rainy Insect Day!” I got to go down to the classroom with Justin to drop off his model and Mrs. Dufour let me in to say “Hello” to everyone! I had such a good time. The kids showed me their projects and they were all so proud of their work. Some of the projects were incredible! One girl made a firefly necklace by adding wings to a little flashlight that hung around her neck. Very cute! One of the kids I work with on reading/writing showed me his project and he had tried so hard to make his letters "just the right way". He did an incredible job! There were projects about walking sticks, fireflies, bumble bees, and every other insect I didn't realize existed.
It's been a fun week in the Dolby house as we helped Justin to "do his best" and worked on keeping ourselves under control when we just wanted to do it for him. Justin's project was about Grasshoppers. He made a poster about the Grasshopper Habitat, Life Cycle, Predators, their possible impacts to the Environment, and the structure of the body.
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