Today was a wonderful, perfect fall day in New England. The weather was gorgeous, the football was incredible, and the kids enjoyed every minute of it. Justin's team had a rematch against a pretty tough team that they faced last week and did not have a good experience playing against. All I'll say about it is that Justin was given an opportunity to practice "playing with heart" even when the other team plays a little bit dirty. Justin played most of the second half of the game and he had a few big plays. He was involved in causing an interception, recovering a fumble (even though they don't count in Tiny Mite) and he played his heart out the entire time. We were so proud of him! Annalise cheered from the sidelines and yelled "Justin - don't block the red guy!" (See picture for the irony of her instructions). Leah came with us to the game and she and Annalise had quite a gang to hang out with at the top of the stands.
After the game, we took Nana to the Fall Festival at the Norman Bird Sanctuary. It was great! It was a very "county fair" experience with games like rope ladders, a two man saw, a flagpole to climb, and a rope bridge to cross. There was also a craft fair with local artists and I bought a couple of Christmas Presents.
After this wonderful day, we got to enjoy the BRONCOS WIN!!!!!!!!!! GO DENVER! 4 - 0!!!!
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