Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Dancing Dolbys

This one makes me laugh so hard!!! We were down in Washington DC to see Stacy compete in a Triathlon (It was September 13th - she did awesome!) and this video was taken on our way home. Earlier that day they had both completely broken down on us due to hunger, exhaustion, and annoyance after a long morning spent at the race. This was no amateur fit either - we're talking laying down and screaming on the lawn with kicking and punching the ground involved. (It was hardly their fault since I forgot to feed them before we sat on the sidelines of the race for several hours). As you can see, their problems were solved with a little bit of food and a quick nap in the car.

*Make sure the volume is on so that you can hear the music they were dancing to.


  1. oh my god, that is great! Amazing recovery from the two kids I saw having the not so amateur fit! Thanks again for being there, you guys are the greatest!
