Saturday, October 17, 2009

Apple Picking

We got up and went to Ballet this morning just like normal, but today I had a very good time talking with the moms about healthcare, Bernie Madoff, "the Balloon Boy", President Obama and all of the other topics I usually shy away from. It was a great conversation with representation from the ultra conservative to the very liberal and it had some foreign points of view. There is a lot going on in our world and I'm not sure what to think of it.
What I do know is that my kids are CUTE! (When they're not being completely maddening, that is). Last night they sent me a little bit over the edge and I was Mom'd Out!!! Today, John fixed it all by letting me lounge on the couch in a warm patch of sunshine with my new library book. I have to admit there was plenty of napping sprinkled in, and all the while he kept the kids upstairs entertained with some pixie movie. God Bless my husband!!! After my nap, we went Apple Picking.

Apple Picking was very fun - the Orchard is located in Middletown near the wineries and it sits one of the prettiest streets I've seen in a long time. I now have several new prospects for my "Dream Home". The man who owns the orchard was very friendly and showed us different types of apples, his tree labeling system, and he gave John some more ideas for cooking with apples. Justin got to be in charge of the "apple picker" which involves a long stick so you know he was in heaven!!! We wound up with three bags of apples and when we were checking out, the man who owns the orchard peeled an apple for us with his special corkscrew peeler - it was absolutely delicious!

After we got home, I went scrapbooking with Cindy Ross while John kept the kids at home and made soup with Justin. When I got home, Justin told me exactly how to use a knife and how to rock it back and forth without moving the tip for safety when chopping fruits and vegetables. I believe that he and John had a great everning together. (Annalise was a big girl and played at Leah's for most of the time). John and Justin made a version of Jen's "apple stuff" for dessert and it was the first thing I saw when I walked in the door. I admit, I may have indulged and had it for dinner at 9:00 this evening. Even though I know it had no nutritional value, and I would never let my kids do that, it was darn good!

All in all, it was yet another perfect New England Day!

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