Saturday, October 24, 2009

Belcourt Castle

Rhonda and Regan took Annalise and I to a Halloween Party at Belcourt Castle today. The girls wore their costumes and looked beautiful as Ariel (Annalise was Ariel this time) and a litle Wahini. Nathaniel met us there after his football game. The castle was set up with games and prizes for all of the kids - the girls played "Tip the Troll", Pin the stem on the pumpkin, "Fishing", Ring Toss, and a couple others I can't remember. After the games were done, they did a magic show, got balloon creations, and had a costume parade. I think the hit of the day for Annalise was decorating cookies and cupcakes. (She ate quite a few...). She was also quite a ham when she got picked to be an assistant in the magic show!

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