Annalise had many parties to celebrate her birthday this year...and the big news is that she has a new car seat!!!! She had her "royal dinner" on the night of the 5th with Nana and Papa, cupcakes with her friends at school on her "Real Birthday", a trip to Target for her new carseat on Thursday, and her friends came over today (the 10th) for a "Girls Only Party".
Today's party was great! Not only did Annalise have friends to play with but Justin had plenty of other Big Brothers to play with too. The guest list included Ava, Ella and Regan (other little sisters from the football team); Gwen and Brynn (friends from school); and OF COURSE Leah and Zane were there. Zane spent most of his time with the big boys (Jake, Bennie, Matthew, and Justin) outside on Peter's trailer which was serving as a base for the day. Annalise got lots of girly presents (Polly's pink tu-tu outfit actually replaced the Snow White dress for a while...but don't feel bad Nana because the Snow White dress quickly replaced the "Birthday Girl" shirt I made her). Her Biscuit book fom Regan was our "Good Night" story that Justin read with us, and the Barbies and Hello Kitty loot are spread all over the house in strategic places as she enjoys every single last minute of each and every thing!
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