Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Happy Graduation!

John graduated with his Masters in National Security and Strategic Studies today. Not only did he manage to get through it - but he did it with Distinction. As if that wasn't enough, he was nominated for Honor Grad (he received first runner up on that one)!

I don't have any good stories from the ceremony because I was in Atlanta for the week, but it sounds like it was a good family event. John says that both of our kids were absolutely perfect and that he heard our little buddy Zane yell "John!" when he went up the stairs (which he liked just a little bit). Gran says that when they announced John's name for Honor Grad runner up, Annalise and Justin heard it, looked at each other, and said, "Daddy!" They were very surprised and very proud. Hopefully I'll get more details and pictures this weekend so that I can share them with everyone. For now, here is an article written by the War College:

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