Monday, February 8, 2010

Graduation Day Pictures

John's Big Moment

Before she left, I managed to steal some pictures of the Graduation Ceremony off of Ginnie's camera. There are a few good ones of John Graduating ... but my favorite ones are, as always, outside of the ceremony. Since I was in Atlanta, I wrote to Katina and Polly that morning and begged for a picture of the guys with the kids. Polly managed to get one of John and Charlie but we're missing one with Matt. Next time, I guess. If they're up for it. (Can't be THAT hard...).

John, Charlie, and "The Kids!"

My Family

After the ceremony, John (my John, not "Grandad John") and Ginnie took the kids bowling on base. When I saw these pictures, I laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes. Justin is so good at so many sports that involve brute strength and using your body to move the other guy out of the way. He's growing very fast and things that take total body coordination still seem to elude him. Annalise, on the other hand, would (I think) have a hard time holding her own in the situations that Justin excels in. Her strengths lie in grace, coordiation and flexibility. These pictures took me completely by surprise because they are of my kids outside of the elements I am comfortable seeing them in. It goes to show that Moms don't always know best and that it's important to try new things! Justin looks amazingly coordinated, stylish, and graceful. Annalise is taking on more of a dogged determination and bullish stance that says, "I do not know what the heck I am doing but I swear I will figure it out and kick it from here to next Sunday..."

Justin's got this down!

Annalise will take it down if it's the last thing she does!

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