Tonight was the football banquet for the Portsmouth Patriots - Justin finally holds the coveted red players sweatshirt! You can't buy one with money...you have to earn it with your blood, sweat and tears!!! He looks GOOD in it! I'm so proud of him!!!!!
The banquet itself was interesting because they took all of the players from us and had them sit at a table with their teammates. Read: No parent supervision! They had so much fun! I'm the kind of parent that likes to see her kid have a good time and that's certainly what happened tonight. Justin sat next to Nathaniel and every time I spied on them, they were having a ball! These two boys are cut from the same cloth and it shows in everything they do. They are both too smart for their own good, they both have loving hearts and kindness in their eyes, they both manage to find trouble wherever they go, and they both have a spirit that I only wish I had. Neither of them ever quit ...
... They had a speaker tonight (honestly he was very boring), and I wish I could remember his name because he is a previous Patriot player (from the 60's), who ended with this message: "It doesn't matter how many times you get knocked down...get up and try again!" That's Justin and Nathaniel.
After all of the awards and recognitions were done (they went on for FOREVER!), they opened the dance floor. It was total mayhem! All of the kids were out there (many dressed in their new sweatshirts) dancing their tails off. There was no rhyme, no reason, no boundaries, and certainly no control. It was, simply, a kids' dream! Justin had no interest in staying close enough to me to be videotaped or photographed but I got one of him running away. Annalise and Regan stayed close to us but were very pleased to have the freedom to be doing their own thing. They danced to the music for a while and eventually some Moms came out for a line dance. Both of our girls joined in and really held their own!
I have long held the fear that I have pushed football on Justin because I love it so much. It's easy for a parent to do this and I hope I don't fall into the trap. I was sitting next to one of Justin's coaches and I took the opportunity to ask him what he thought of the matter. He answered without a moment's hesitation that this is most certainly not the case. He said that Justin was one of the happiest players out on the field. I hope he'll play for a while and that he'll continue to love it - I feel as though it gives him an identity and a place to fit in wherever he goes.
Love it! Annalise did much better than we all did the one time we tried line dancing in Australia!
ReplyDeleteJustin, you earned that sweatshirt. Wear it with pride!