Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Happy Anniversary

February 9, 2002


Since the day I met you I have been overwhelmed with the feelings you create in me. When you are near, I strive to be a person you will be proud of and when you are gone, I live to do the things I will want to share with you when you return. Never have I known a person that challenges and celebrates me in the same breath the way you do. As we begin our life together, I promise to remain the kind of person you have fallen in love with – the one that makes you love me always the way you do today.

I celebrate this new life we are beginning by promising to be the best wife I can be. By promising to love you till the end of time the way I love you today. I promise to trust you no matter what and I will always give you the faith that you can feel the same for me. I promise to stand beside you when it seems that nobody else will and I promise to turn to you when the world seems to have turned it’s back on me. As life’s challenges fall upon our path, I promise to hold your hand and figure them out – with you – side by side.

I promise to be faithful in mind and body and to live my life always with you. I promise to raise our children the way we think is best, and I promise to always make my life decisions based on what is right for us and our family. From today forward, we commit to a life together and I will honor that commitment in everything I do.

I promise never to walk in front of you because I know you may not follow. I promise never to walk behind you because I know you may not lead. Instead, I promise to always walk beside you as your wife, your lover and your best friend. For the rest of our days, I will be there for you as I have faith you will be for me.

Thank you for marrying me.

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