Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Safety First

Yesterday I managed to cut the HECK out of my fingers with the serated knife while trying to slice a sandwich roll that I was holding. Yes, a very dumb move. I sliced right through the knuckle section on the inside of my pointer and middle fingers therefore making it very difficult to move either of them. Both fingers are bandaged and both kids are fully aware of the situation. In fact, out of pure coincidence, Annalise made a Doctor's Kit in school that came home with her yesterday so when she saw me she opened up her construction paper kit and got out her cotton ball to clean my hand and then applied the band-aid she had taped to the inside of the kit. While I admit that I allowed her to work on the right hand (my left one has the cuts), she was so gentle and sweet while she helped me. It was ALMOST worth the injury to see her that way.

And where there is a yin there is a yang:

Today was my day to help out in Justin's classroom so he wanted me to bring his big nutcracker for show and tell (I only let him bring the small one on the bus) and when I didn't, he decided that maybe a little bit of revenge would be appropriate. He talked about his nutcracker for a minute and then transitioned to the story of my injuries and talked about how important it is to follow safety rules when you're using knives. I got to talk to the class for about 5 minutes about safety rules and how important it is to be smart when you're working in the kitchen. After that, they took turns telling me about the smart things they could teach me so that I wouldn't get hurt again.

Wouldn't you know it - my task for the day involved helping Mrs. Dufour with a project involving the cutting board. I sat down to work on the project and heard Justin tell me from across the class, "Don't cut your finger off, Mom!"

1 comment:

  1. LMAO - that story about Justin is hilarious. I can totally see him doing that too!!!
