My "3?" birthday has come and gone.
The Story: We went to Todd and Julie's house for a "grown up dinner" (no kids) on Saturday night. As we were talking, I said something about being 32 when John reminded me that I was really 33. Julie tried to help me out by confirming that we were both still 32 and turning 33. After a little bit of debate, we decided to do the math. Yes, we were both 33 and now I am 34. From now on, I will be "thirty something" and not worry about the specifics. Does it really matter anyway???
The best part of birthdays is, undoubtedly, PRESENTS!!! Guess what...I got a new camera! I got to open my presents just before we left for dinner so I didn't have time to learn how to use it, but here are some pictures as we all tried out different buttons just to get some snapshots. We went to Spark in Newport for dinner with Charlie/Polly, Matt/Katina, and Bryan (who drove down for the night from Boston). It was a great BYOB restaurant and we tried all kinds of good food. Charlie about fainted when John, Bryan and I tried the Frog's Legs!!! =) They tasted like chicken...but very dry chicken.
Justin made me a birthday hat that he wanted me to wear during dinner, and the kids got me a sweatshirt from the Brick Alley Pub. John says that when he went to buy it, he told the girl at the front that he was trying to buy a birthday present for his wife when she looked right at him and said, "There's a jewelry store across the street." =)
I'm not surprised at all that you couldn't remember how old you were. We had a similar conversation when I reminded you we were turning 27 and you genuinely thought we were turning 26!