We started Christmas very early this year with our trip to collect Gran and Grandad in Philadelphia at the Army/Navy game. They made the drive home with us and spent the week at our house here in Portsmouth. The week was a quiet week where the kids were able to play with their grandparents. Justin took them to see his basketball practice at the high school and Annalise talked them into taking her shopping for Christmas Tree Ornaments in Newport. (Gran was a tough sell on that one).
I remember doing lots of quiet things with my grandparents when I was little and I think that's what my kids got a good dose of this time around. I remember washing the dishes and making brownies with my grandmothers and doing crossword puzzles or listening to the radio with my grandfathers. Annalise spent quite a while learning Sudoku and writing her numbers with Grandad and bringing wrapped presents up to put under the tree with Gran. We also had crespelle for Christmas Dinner and, although the kids were less than enthusiastic with the meal itself (presents were much more exciting), I just tested them and they do remember "this thing wrapped in pancakes" and they remember that we had it based on tradition. I'd say that's a success!
Justin got a magic set from Gran and Grandad this year and he's been working hard on learning some of his tricks. The biggest lesson from this project has been concentration and working hard so that he could present his tricks without giving away any secrets. Annalise got "Mona" for Christmas and Mona has been everywhere since she arrived! (She even traveled to New York for the Rockettes show). Her other favorite was the jewelry set they got her. She has used it to make many necklaces for herself and me. This craft is particularly enjoyable because she can take one necklace apart, start over again, and have a whole new "look" for herself. If I can manage to get her to keep them in her jewelry box it will be a complete success!
My favorite memory of the trip was when Gran and Grandad tried to take us to dinner. Life got in the way, as it usually does, and we ended up playing with kids in the nieghborhood so long that we lost our opportunity to go out. We would up with delivery here at home and it was delicious! Thanks Gran!
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