We made it to Dad's house before dinner on Saturday and, wouldn't you know it, he took us to Good Time Pizza! The kids managed to talk Uncle Seth out of $30 and me out of another $15 in the game room so they considered the evening a great success! For the first time ever, they won one of those toys out of the game where the claw goes down and tries to catch a stuffed animal. It was a case of beginner's luck that struck on Annalise's first try ever so Justin has renewed conviction in his debate that the things really do work. It seems that the secret is in holding the button down while the claw is moving. Who knew?
On Sunday morning, Justin got to help Grandpa work the sheep. Grandpa administered the medicine and Justin marked each of them with the chalk as they were done. The project had to be done in several batches so Justin got to help corral the sheep, section off batches, mark them when they had been given their medicine, and release each batch through the chute when they were done. It was hard work for a junior farmer! After Justin's job was done, Uncle Seth stepped in to help out with the rams and we watched from the safety and comfort of a shaded spot on top of Dad’s trailer.
Uncle Seth taught Justin how to catch fireflies on our first night there. After he learned, it became a mission for him to catch enough in a jar to serve as a lantern at night. For me, this was the part I will always remember about the trip because I am generally too busy to slow down and enjoy the quiet times with the kids. Justin asked me to help catch fireflies and I didn’t have the internet, bills, dishes, laundry, homework, groceries, etc. to distract me. I played outside with the kids and they put me in charge of getting the jar ready for the fireflies (a huge responsibility and a tremendous honor). I poked holes in the lid so that they could breathe, I caught fireflies, and I was consulted on what kinds of food and supplies they would need while in the jar. The project was a success and we had a bright nightlight in our room the third night there.
When looking back with joy on this trip, we’ll just skip over most of the Jasmine stories. We won’t talk about how she took a running start and jumped through the window screen on Dad’s living room window because I made her stay inside (twice), or how she shook the bed all night long crawling underneath it from one side to the other during the thunderstorm, or how she rolled herself in pig manure several times before going to bed at night, how I gave her a bath and how she immediately rolled in it again, or how she managed to sneak through an electric fence and come close to spooking the horse my son was riding. She’s lucky to still be in the car with us at this point…
What I will remember is that Justin ate a Big Boy, they both learned how to whistle with a piece of grass, learned how to ride a horse, threw a stick in the lake for the dog, learned how to throw a ball/kite contraption, rode around on Uncle Seth’s foot, got mud on their shoes, walked with bare feet, visited a farm to see how fair pigs were coming along, learned about electric fences, spent an hour listening to the thunderstorm huddled in bed with me, and they got to eat farm eggs and drink farm milk. I'll remember the important things.
On Sunday morning, Justin got to help Grandpa work the sheep. Grandpa administered the medicine and Justin marked each of them with the chalk as they were done. The project had to be done in several batches so Justin got to help corral the sheep, section off batches, mark them when they had been given their medicine, and release each batch through the chute when they were done. It was hard work for a junior farmer! After Justin's job was done, Uncle Seth stepped in to help out with the rams and we watched from the safety and comfort of a shaded spot on top of Dad’s trailer.
Uncle Seth taught Justin how to catch fireflies on our first night there. After he learned, it became a mission for him to catch enough in a jar to serve as a lantern at night. For me, this was the part I will always remember about the trip because I am generally too busy to slow down and enjoy the quiet times with the kids. Justin asked me to help catch fireflies and I didn’t have the internet, bills, dishes, laundry, homework, groceries, etc. to distract me. I played outside with the kids and they put me in charge of getting the jar ready for the fireflies (a huge responsibility and a tremendous honor). I poked holes in the lid so that they could breathe, I caught fireflies, and I was consulted on what kinds of food and supplies they would need while in the jar. The project was a success and we had a bright nightlight in our room the third night there.
When looking back with joy on this trip, we’ll just skip over most of the Jasmine stories. We won’t talk about how she took a running start and jumped through the window screen on Dad’s living room window because I made her stay inside (twice), or how she shook the bed all night long crawling underneath it from one side to the other during the thunderstorm, or how she rolled herself in pig manure several times before going to bed at night, how I gave her a bath and how she immediately rolled in it again, or how she managed to sneak through an electric fence and come close to spooking the horse my son was riding. She’s lucky to still be in the car with us at this point…
What I will remember is that Justin ate a Big Boy, they both learned how to whistle with a piece of grass, learned how to ride a horse, threw a stick in the lake for the dog, learned how to throw a ball/kite contraption, rode around on Uncle Seth’s foot, got mud on their shoes, walked with bare feet, visited a farm to see how fair pigs were coming along, learned about electric fences, spent an hour listening to the thunderstorm huddled in bed with me, and they got to eat farm eggs and drink farm milk. I'll remember the important things.
OK two things. First, I think that your Dad must shop for his t-shirts at the same store as Coach Matt with those cut off sleeves. Second, who rides a horse barefoot? Looks like you guys had a great time as always. Sorry I missed it.