Oh boy! Today felt like an out of body experience! I seemed to opt for a very business like attitude and I didn't ever have it in me to say "Good Bye" to anyone. I seemed to hear myself saying, "Have a good day and I'll see you soon!!!"
We spent last night with the Perlmutters and we woke up to Bayley and Graysie's "Crazy Hair Day" do's. When I walked into the kitchen, Bayley was sitting at the counter eating his cereal with electric blue spikes sticking out of his head in every direction! It was awesome! ("Adorable" is what I would say but he would not like that at all!). We enjoyed breakfast with Bayley and Kathleen before Justin took a last swing in the tire and Annalise proudly collected her new purse collection (given to her by Graysie). After some hugs and the beginning of my water works, I took the kids to Bristol to get our truck weighed. It was a rather odd experience when the guy at the scales asked me to come in and try to figure out how to use the computer! For the record, I figured out the computer AND backed the trailer out of the scales...
Annie came over to help me load the trailer and we did a darn good job! Justin and Annalise patiently played "Go Fish" in the car waiting for me. Eventually, I took one last look at the house and I suddenly didn't care any longer what I was forgetting. I called Jane and told her, "I'm sorry! I left it a disaster but I can't take it any more!" Can you believe that she shined it from top to bottom by 2:00pm?
On our way out, Thom found us filling up one last time at Cumberland Farms with our "Free Friday Iced Coffee" (me) and the gigantic ICEE for $0.79. He came over to meet us so he could drop off plenty of U-R-IN Control packages for Justin and help make sure I had packed everything safely. I got a "Boy Scout Approval!" and we headed out as I tried again in vain to control the water works. Our last trip over the Sakonnet Bridge was especially tough because the sun was out, the water was extra blue, and the boats seemed ready for some weekend fun.
Today was a long drive with three sad Dolbys in the car. We were also quite grouchy. Now we're settled in at the La Quinta decompressing and getting ready for a good night's sleep. I have my own bed again! Tomorrow we're very excited about going to see Niagara Falls and starting the ROAD TRIP!!!! Today was "Good Bye" and tomorrow will be "New Adventure!!!" Day.
I don't have any pictures from today but I posted a couple of cute ones from the process of moving.
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