Wednesday, April 7, 2010


There seems to be some debate here in Rhode Island about just how bad the floods were. Some reports say it was the worst flooding in 50 years. Some reports say it was the worst flooding in 100 years. One report even said it was the worst flooding that Rhode Island has seen in 200 years. This debate makes me smile because what it all really boils down to is that we had some insane flooding!

Here are some pictures of life here on Aquidneck Island. We made it through without a single drop of water in our house but I'm afraid that most around here were not so lucky. While I don't know anyone who had any catastrophic damage, there are several of our friends and neighbors who spent a lot of time cleaning, drying and replacing. If you were watching the news, you most likely saw pictures of Warwick (near the airport) which was hit much harder than we were. These photos will give you a good perspective of what our little part of the state looked like.

The entrance to Common Fence Point

I saw a swan swimming here at one point - it's a sight I'll never forget!

The parking lot at Clements

A farm on Union Street

Annie's Backyard

A sand trap on the golf course disguised as a water feature.

I'm very happy to report that I'm writing this a week after the storms died down and we enjoyed sunshine and 80 degree weather today. The kids played on Annie's play structure this afternoon and I think that most of my neighbors have pumped their basements out by now.

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