Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hanna Park Beach

My Family

An exhausting game of Frisbee

Sand Castles

John and Justin enjoying some time together

This California family was feeling a serious need for some sunshine and some sand between our toes.

The sun was shining when we woke up on Tuesday and we hit the beach. John did his research (I know, this was shocking to me too) and found us a great beach where even Jasmine could enjoy a day in the sun. We made a stop at Walgreen's and ran through the store stocking up on sunscreen, boogie boards, sand toys, magazines, and water. John, who is constantly referring to us as "The Griswalds" was even more disgusted than usual when he was forced to wear what he calls an "old man drugstore hat" that says "Jacksonville" across the front of it. Oh well.

The day at the beach included boogie boarding (John and Justin), castle making (Justin and Annalise), running (Jasmine), a game of Frisbee (John and Justin) and "a whole lotta nuthin'" (Lisa). Much to John's dismay, we left with piles of sand absolutely everywhere and I am still amused by this each time I go to clean out another section of Big Ben! The day was a success with four happy people and one very happy dog. It was made even better when John mentioned that he needed to study for a little bit. While that statement might make you wonder if I am perhaps an evil person, just let me tell you what I did with the opportunity: Super Target! We were very successful in our quest for water toys to take with us to Polly's house.

There was only one casualty of the day and that was our poor little surfer who spent the day riding the waves without a rash guard. Poor little guy was brave about it but I doubt it's something he will repeat any time soon.

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