Once John came home for his first visit, I got addicted. This routine is ridiculous! He lives in Florida, we live here, and we all spend our weekends bored and missing each other. During the week of the floods, I was feeling a little "grey" given the weather and I wanted to plan a trip to get away for the weekend. I looked into taking the kids to Cape Cod for an Easter Sunrise Service and when I seriously considered the costs associated with the trip, it occurred to me that I really just wanted John to come home. I called, asked him if he was free, and he booked a ticket.
RI Flood Adventure: The rain meant that the airport connector was still closed on Friday (John was set to arrive at about 3:00) and I didn't know if we were going to be able to pick him up. In my usual fashion, I didn't really worry about it but set about my day and hopped in the car to pick him up. As luck would have it, they opened the road at noon and we picked him up without any drama to speak of.
Here's the thing. I think that I spent so much energy making sure the kids were happy last weekend that I forgot how much I also needed John's attention. When he got home on Friday afternoon, I talked Jane into taking care of the kids while John took me on a date to The Boat House. It was absolutely wonderful! I talked a million miles a minute and John graciously obliged by listening and nodding when appropriate. I love him for so many reasons but mostly because he lets me ramble, he doesn't hold it against me, and he only answers with the comments that he knows I am looking for. Don't get me wrong, he also challenges me as I babble about the way I want to change the world, but he does it in a way that helps me figure out the way I should do it. I hope everyone is so lucky as to have a best friend and husband who knows her so well.
A record breaking event was that Annalise had so much fun at Jane's house while we were at dinner that she decided it was time for her first sleepover. She requested her "B" and one "sleep friend" so John went home to get them. She bravely said she'd be home in the morning and settled in to watch some quality "Sprout" with Maylee before turning in for the evening. Jane reports that she fell right asleep and woke up in the morning ready for (ahem...not Mommy!) her breakfast. She's such a strange mix of timid and confident that I'm not sure where she'll take it. I do know that she's going to have a beautiful blend of grace and power when she grows up!
Easter brunch was delicious! John made fried tomatoes, crab cakes, eggs benedict, tossed potatoes, fruit salad, banana muffins, coffee, and mimosas. Trust me when I say it was a step up from the usual oatmeal or frozen pancakes that I make for the kids! We also met up with the Chesters at the Brown House (actually a yellow house) for an egg hunt and the kids had the time of their lives! Purely by chance, we saw Brynn and Jake there and it was a wonderful "small town" sunshiney day.
Trust me when I say it was not a tough decision when Lisa asked me if I wanted to come home for the weekend. Thanks for having me and thanks for a nice date night!