Sunday, April 11, 2010

Cliff Walk

Uncle Bryan was spending the weekend with friends in Jamestown and we were able to catch up with him for a while on Sunday before he headed home to Boston. We met at the Cliff Walk and enjoyed the sunshine for a while. Annalise was very sleepy and she was having a hard time focusing but she loved playing on the lawn of the Breakers with Uncle Bryan - you would think she really was a Vanderbilt girl!

The day was quite the opposite for Justin. He was having a great time borrowing my camera and taking his own photos. He was in a mood to notice nature, art, history, and talk about things going on in his life. I enjoyed some quiet time with him while Uncle Bryan chased Annalise from one corner of the state to the other. As you can see, he was in a mood to let me take some photos of him and there are a few that I am really happy with!



  1. Great photos Lis. I particularly like the first two photos of your little skater model, the one of Annalise and Uncle Bryan, and of course the one of my family!

  2. I love the first and third ones of Justin. Annalise's is awesome too but I wish she didn't have the red sweater on. Both of them are so sweet...
