Growing Up
The day at the beach included boogie boarding (John and Justin), castle making (Justin and Annalise), running (Jasmine), a game of Frisbee (John and Justin) and "a whole lotta nuthin'" (Lisa). Much to John's dismay, we left with piles of sand absolutely everywhere and I am still amused by this each time I go to clean out another section of Big Ben! The day was a success with four happy people and one very happy dog. It was made even better when John mentioned that he needed to study for a little bit. While that statement might make you wonder if I am perhaps an evil person, just let me tell you what I did with the opportunity: Super Target! We were very successful in our quest for water toys to take with us to Polly's house.
There was only one casualty of the day and that was our poor little surfer who spent the day riding the waves without a rash guard. Poor little guy was brave about it but I doubt it's something he will repeat any time soon.
Hanging out with Jen and the Baby
Outside the Cafe where we ate lunch
Justin had Spring Break last week and we took the opportunity to head down to Jacksonville to see John. We loaded all four of us (yes, four, including Jasmine) into the car and we hit the road Friday after work. My original "plan" was to head out and get as far as I could that day. Auntie Jenny called to see if we would be driving through Maryland and I said, "I'm doing whatever my navigation system tells me." After laughing at me, she pointed out that I-95 was probably the road I would be taking and that her house was about 5 minutes away. She graciously invited us to stay with her on Friday night and that's what we did! She took us in when we arrived around midnight and then treated us to a fabulous breakfast in the morning. (She has a personal chef on staff these days).
The kids were very excited to see Auntie Jenny and Uncle Matt. The highlight for Justin was playing his DS with Uncle Matt and he let me know that "Uncle Matt really doesn't know what he's doing but I didn't tell him that." Justin also confirmed with Auntie Jenny that he would be a cousin to the baby. He was considering being an Uncle but decided against that when he learned that he would have to give presents if he was an Uncle. It's much more fun to be a cousin because the only requirement for this is to be able to play.
When we left on Saturday, Auntie Jenny gave each of them a gift bag. Let me tell you...
In Justin's bag there were cologne samples that came conveniently in spray form. Every 15 seconds or so I would hear the familiar sound of him spraying the dumb thing and I begged him each time (through teary eyes and cologne particles tickling the inside of my nose) to give it a rest. "No problem Mom!" That worked for about 15 seconds until we started the process again. The problem with Big Ben is that he has a significant amount of freedom because he sits in the very back seat where he is well outside of striking distance.
In both of their bags was an abundance of candy (and the wrappers that come with the candy) but the coup de grace was the little packet of RED kool-aid that could be added to a water bottle. Annalise was under the false impression that this was a "Lick a Stick" type candy. I had no idea that this was going on and when I looked back at her I saw that her face was bright red. Confused, I checked her to see if she had a fever or was overheated. Out of slight concern, I pulled over to check on her. This is when I discovered the little blue wrapper and figured out that a Baby Wipe would take care of it. Oh, sweet revenge...
We stopped in Fredricksburg to wait out the traffic, clean Annalise's face, and hide the cologne spray. We had a great lunch and we shopped for Civil War toys while we waited out the traffic. We found a great little ballet store and Annalise tried on several leotards before settling on a cute little blue one. Justin patiently hung out with us and told her each time she modeled a new one, "Annalise! That's beautiful!" The staff got a kick out of them and told me what sweet children I had which made me smile for the rest of the trip.
With a new Civil War plastic soldier collection and a blue leotard in our possession we jumped back in the car and, after close to 1200 miles, we finally made it to John's hotel late Saturday night.
...Jasmine, Annalise, and Mom invade his quiet little world...
Having grown up in California with somewhat urban parents, Justin hasn't been presented with the opportunity to do a whole lot of fishing in his lifetime. To be clear, here's what I think about the sport: "Worms? Bugs? Slimy Flopping Fish? Really?" However; since living here, we've noticed that it seems to be something he really enjoys. For Christmas this year, he asked Santa Claus for one thing: The Rocket Fishing Rod (as seen on the infomercial promising that simply holding the thing would attract a million fish and immediately elevate you to world's most accomplished "fisherkid" status). Santa Claus delivered on his promise and the Rocket Fishing Rod was waiting under the Christmas Tree when he woke up Christmas morning. Justin first tested the thing with John over the back porch and was a bit dismayed when it broke upon it's first launch. Poor Kid! I remember when he gave me the sad little face and said, "The commercial kind of lied...but that's OK...I think it will work at least a little bit."
Over the past couple of weeks, Justin has been spending a lot of time with his friend Mark down at "The Fort" by our house. The Fort now has two completed rooms, a bike rack, a fire circle, and a lake out back for fishing. They often bring lawn chairs down there for furniture and when the mood strikes them Jasmine is allowed to tag along too. As they plan for dinner, Justin patiently stands at the water's edge waiting for the fish to jump onto his magical pole and I am summoned over the walkie-talkie from time to time to come down and "fix this dumb thing" when it gets tangled. The "dumb thing" seems to be working these days and he has recently learned how to untangle the smaller snags in the line on his own. Given these improvements, I now enjoy fishing with him because the sun is shining, the line rarely gets tangled to a point where my assistance is needed, and I am quite confident that there is not a single fish within a 5 mile radius of his fishing line that I would ever have to deal with should it meet an untimely death at the hands of the pretend hook hidden under the SpongeBob bobber.