Monday, March 11, 2013

Spring Break 2013

  The Battle

Weapons Construction

The Picnic

The Guard Dog

Spring Break has arrived and I'm busy waging the battle against technology!  These kids are tricky!  We have four TV's in the house, one of which is 3D, and it's a race to get them all turned off before someone else finds a remote control.  We had a sleepover last night so I'm outnumbered 4 to 1 today.  I finally got everyone shuttled outside to ride their bikes but, 5 minutes later, someone came home with an injury.  I prescribed a few minutes of rest.  Unfortunately, I did not clarify that it was a non-technology aided rest.  Give me that tablet!  

Once they finally believed I was serious, they gave in and headed outside.  Much to their chagrin, I think they're having more fun than they thought possible.  We've had a war in the pool, a lawn picnic (with an epic tantrum as a side show), I've taught them to use power tools (which are required for authentic musket construction, as the boys say), and the most recent activity is building a "No Boys Allowed" fort in the garage.  The dog has even been allowed to join the fun.  From her leash.  Attached to the mail box.  She's not happy.

Wouldn't you know it, when everything was too quiet for my comfort, I looked over to find contraband...a pink DS had snuck into the fort! 
I happen to be sitting inside playing with technology right now so I better wrap it up.  I hear that I am needed for the completion of the weapon - we've moved on from muskets to automatic weapons and my saw skills are needed for the creation of a magazine.  I can't remember what we did all of those summer days in the backyard, but I can't imagine that I ever had this much imagination!  I'm sure I did...


While I was writing, Justin was loading up his gear.  The fun one can have when forced is shocking!


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