The kids and I are on a 3 week road trip from San Diego to Denver and on to Michigan before heading home to start school again. We're having a great time so far! We spent two days getting to Denver and we arrived last night to a nice, homecooked meal and lots of TLC! My favorite part of the drive was when Justin took his headphones off, set down the DS, and thoroughly enjoyed "my" mountains. He was underwhelmed until we got to Glenwood Springs (after driving through Utah). Once he saw the Colorado River, saw the rafters, and saw the green on the hills, he was very interested in watching. He told me a few times, "Mom, I agree - your mountains are beautiful!" Annalise was plugged in the whole time...
We slept in this morning and then enjoyed some time at the pool here at Nana's house before heading to Columbine for some golf and even more time at the pool. Annalise had her first golf lesson on the driving range and I passed the time chatting with Mom and several of her friends that stopped by to meet us. Papa took Justin out for a round on the Par 3 Course and we met up afterwards. It was HOT out today so we headed to the pool for some more lounging.
Annalise worked hard on swimming today and Justin fell in love with the diving board. I'm sure I'm not crazy when I say he spent about 3 hours diving and must have gone off there at least 50 times. When it was time for dinner, we ate at the pool and lost Justin to a game of Volleyball with some new friends. After that, he hopped back into the pool to play a championship round of WWF with several of the kids in the shallow end - it was crazy! There were 5 kids climbing all over him and he kept right on playing with them. At one point, he got kicked in the eye but he went back in. One Mom told me, "Wow - he's a great sport!"
We're headed to bed a little early tonight for a second round at the pool tomorrow.
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