Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Freedom of Speech

The kids attended a City Council Meeting with me today and they saw government in action for the first time. The reason we were there, dressed in Game Jerseys and Panther Gear, was to voice our opinion regarding the increased fees that were to be imposed on the use of city fields for practice and games. Had the fees been implemented, it was likely that both kids would lose their sports programs for this year.

The experience was a once in a lifetime lesson because they had a first hand involvement in the issue that was being debated. They heard the comments, saw "The People" voice their concerns, saw the vote happen, and realized our victory. Upon leaving, they could explain simply, "We fought for our fields!" but Justin understands a little more of the issue. He knows that because he voiced his opinion, his sports program was saved and he seems to take ownership in that.

It was a parenting moment that I stumbled on but one I'll always cherish. They got a taste of how important it is to fight for something you believe in, how fortunate we are to be Americans, how powerful it was to hear that whole room recite the Pledge of Allegiance, and how lucky they are to be proud Navy Kids who give a little every day to defend these rights.

In kid terms, they describe Freedom as "not having to do what The King decides we have to do when we don't think it's right." Simply put, I'd say they get it!


Text from the article which, in my opinion, conveniently oversimplifies the issue and misses many of the main points. If nothing else, it shows what happened today:

CHULA VISTA, Calif. -- The Chula Vista City Council voted on Tuesday to put a proposed youth sports fee increase on hold.

Concerned parents, coaches and kids packed Chula Vista's City Council chambers to express their outrage over a proposed increase that would have raised field rental fees 5,000 percent.

More than 10,000 kids play on the city's 50 fields and many parents said the increases would prevent their kids from participating in sports.

"What they're doing is just not fair, not only for Joe Blow who has 3.5 kids but even for everybody else that is a single mom like myself," said parent Deidad Covarrubias.

The city said it needs to generate $375,000 to maintain the fields that many kids enjoy. Without the money, officials said they would have to close fields.

They proposed raising fees that would amount to about $25 to $35 per child to keep the fields open. Right now, the cost is about $1 per child.

"Our going back to the people… to the parents of the people who are playing is not something we cherish," said Chula Vista Mayor Cheryl Cox. "We just want to make sure that these fields are in good condition."

The city manager met with representatives from the city's Youth Sports Council to listen to concerns.

Following the city manager's recommendation, the City Council suspending the fee increase until November to allow further discussions about alternative ways to cut costs and make the cost-sharing more equitable.

The vote will keep the fields in play this summer but does not guarantee they will remain that way without a fee increase.

The council will take up the matter again in November.

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