Is there any debate that Justin MIGHT be excited about finally playing football? After he left practice on Friday night, he rode home dressed head to toe in his football gear. Since he got to ride in the front seat, he claims he wore his shoulder pads for "extra safety" and that if Dad were driving, he would have been wearing his helmet too! We came home and made dinner, which was eaten while wearing shoulder pads, and then he put his helmet back on to watch TV. He eventually got out of his gear, folded it neatly in a pile near his bag, and then headed upstairs for bed.
It's been very hard to watch Justin sit out this season due to the broken arm but I know that he's learned so much more about sports and life through the process than he ever could have by doing drills. With that said, he gets to play next weekend and I am over the moon about it because, after all of this bench sitting and "water boy" duty, it's certainly time! He has been very patient and I do not remember a single complaint about having to sit on the sideline that went beyond, "It's a bummer...I can't wait to PLAY!" My appreciation goes out to his coaches who have welcomed him, taught him from the sidelines, chatted with him about his Dad, and helped him understand that he's a valuable part of the team even while he can't play.
ReplyDeleteI am so proud of you for sticking it out this season while you couldn't play. You have shown that you are a GREAT teammate and an awfully responsible young man. I am not sure I could have done it when I was your age. So for that, you're me hero buddy! Now get those pads on come Wednesday and kick some tail!!!