The Third Grade Story
Justin started Third Grade sporting a blue cast covering every last inch of his left arm from shoulder to knuckles. He's been a trooper about it and hasn't complained at all but we know it's a drag. His biggest worry at school is that one lady on the "recess police" told him that he couldn't play Wall Ball unless he had a permission slip from his parents. (This came as a bit of a surprise when I asked the front office about the policy, but...what can you do?) John wrote him a note and everything has been OK since then. He assures me that he will probably be an excellent Wall Ball player when his cast comes off since he's been practicing for so long with only one hand. "Just imagine how good I'll be when I can use both of them to hit!"
As you know, football is also a large part of his life and the cast has caused a bit of a problem there. We started out the season thinking he would miss everything, but the Panthers have welcomed him back with open arms. He's been patiently sitting on the sidelines with us watching practice for several weeks now. I have enjoyed the time with him because I have had a very rare opportunity to hear his view on practice. He sat next to me one night explaining how tackles work and he watched a drill with great passion telling me things like, "See that guy? He'll get the tackle because he's low enough. That guy is going down because he was going too slow." He was right every time! Another night he told me, "I just feel more at home on a football field than anywhere else."
Before school started he was looking forward to seeing some of his friends from 1st Grade. Sadly it seems as though those friendships have faded somewhat since he is no longer in the Spanish Immersion program. From what I can tell, this doesn't seem to be bothering him. I've noticed that he's made several new friends already that he's also very lucky to have a couple of Navy kids in class with him so he's not the only new guy in town. He also has a "new kid" in his class that he knew from flag football so life is good for the kid!
I spent last Thursday afternoon in his class and I got to see how life works in third grade. Mrs. Hansen has a very quiet demeanor and I wondered how she would get along with my "larger than life" son when I first met her. It took one afternoon for me to see that she's got it completely under control! It seems to me that she's taken a "real life" approach to her classroom and she uses money as well as natural peer pressure to keep everyone moving in the right direction. They get Mountain Lion Bucks for making the right choices and they have to pay her when they forget. She also uses clapping rhythms and little verses (Example: "Check your eyes, check your hands, check your spine" when she wants them to listen) to get everyone's attention. Her favorite trick seems to be to wait them out when she has to. The kids govern themselves by "shushing" the other kids who don't seem to notice that she's waiting. After spending one afternoon in her class, I've tried some of her tricks here at home and I'm amazed at how well they actually work!
Justin's class has a student government and Justin is a Council Member. There are several jobs that are elected positions. He ran for Mayor but says he's very happy to have lost to his math partner (even though she's a girl). He says she's very nice and very smart. John and Justin worked on his campaign speech together and he practiced several times at home with us. I think he did a great job!!!
And the best news of all is that we have an appointment for TOMORROW afternoon to get that dumb cast off!! Cross your fingers for our little guy because he's READY to try life without it again. We're hoping for a quick clearance from the doctor so that he can start conditioning and get ready for his first few games. The first game is September 11th and we're hoping he can suit up once for his Dad to see.
Justin's Campaign Speech
"My name is Justin Dolby and I am running for Mayor. One of the reasons I think I would be a good Mayor is because I am trustworthy. I always try to do the right thing. I can keep a promise. I am also caring. I will always listen to your problems and try to help you with them. I am responsible because I have had a pet dog for many years and I help take care of her. When I make a promise to do something I will do it. I am a leader and I like to be a role model.
As your Mayor, it is my goal to make this the best class at Salt Creek Elementary. We will make sure that we learn a lot and HAVE FUN at the same time! I am always willing to help you with your work when mine is done. With me as your Mayor, I know we can get the most Gotcha’s in the entire 3rd grade! So, please vote for Justin Dolby to be your Mayor."
He's so grown up! I love his speech. I'm still picturing him as the little boy in the booster chair at the Drosinos's rehearsal dinner!
ReplyDeleteI know! It seems like yesterday to me. And my favorite part of his speech is when he says, "I always TRY to do the right thing."