Friday, January 13, 2012


NFL Playoffs are here and the ugliness comes out!!!

I treasure the memory of my first Bronco Game and I've loved those boys for a lot of years! I remember "The Drive" and getting a phone call from my cousin in Cleveland 2 minutes before the game ended when we were on the 2 yard line.  Those years that we went to the Superbowl (and lost...twice) as a child were amazing because the whole city was enjoying Bronco Fever!    There were orange and blue painted houses and Bronco songs on the radio.  I remember Thunder running around the field, the official naming of "Bronco Boulevard"and generally feeling like I was a part of something bigger.  That's a powerful feeling as a young girl and I think I needed it at the time.

In college, the excitement started again as Elway and The Broncos were enjoying the long awaited return of excellent, winning seasons.  My Bronco Pride heightened during my 4 year tenure in New England.  How many times did I come home to find my door covered in Patriot Paper or find a photo of Thunder being stabbed by a Patriot Bayonet?  Too many times to count.  Broncos are my childhood and, try as I might, I have not found a bond with any other team that rivals this one.

It's an interesting battle that I face (in all of my parenting challenges) to separate my own desires from what my kids want.  When they were babies, I decked them out in Bronco Gear any chance I got! 

As they got older, I wanted them to have a chance to build their own memories and find their own team.  Football was still (and always will be) a family sport but we started to foster a healthy rivalry in our house.

I still kept the faith...but I encouraged the kids to find teams of their own.  As I look through pictures for this entry, I find MANY pictures of Justin or Annalise in Charger shirt being snuggled by me in a Bronco shirt.  

After an incredible (and unexpected) win against the Steelers last week in a wildcard game, Denver is preparing for a playoff game in New England against those Patriots that I love to hate.  I woke up this morning and posted a few comments on Facebook before putting on my Bronco hat to take the kids to school.  Annalise is at an age that makes my heart melt (wanting to be like Mom) and she asked me for a Bronco shirt.  She's been asking for a while and I keep avoiding it because I want her to have her own experience.

Imagine my rage when in line for school to start, three boys from her class (wearing Charger shirts for spirit day at school) came up and told me, "Broncos Suck!"  I listened to it for a while, somewhat in shock that first graders were so comfortable talking like that, but I was done when I saw the tears balancing precariously close to the edge of Annalise's little eyes.  She was offended that someone would hurt her Mom and she started to trash talk, unsuccessfully, right back.  The real me wanted to take the bait and laugh that the Chargers were done for the season (Ha Ha!!!) but the more mature me explained that saying that is not nice and that everyone can have their own team.  They asked lots of questions and I explained that when I was in first grade, I lived in Denver.  One kid is moving soon and he was pleased to find out that he could stay a Charger fan even if he leaves San Diego.

The morning ended peacefully with my girl on her way to class but you can bet your Bronco Behind that if Denver manages to pull out a miracle this weekend, that girl of mine will have her very own Bronco shirt to wear on Monday and she'll be well prepared to handle any trash talking that might come her way!!!! If we lose, well, she's got her Charger shirt as a back up.

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