Friday, March 18, 2011

Hooray For the USA!

America The Beautiful

The Kindergarten classes just finished a social studies unit on "America" and they performed a selection of patriotic songs for the parents today. Annalise's class chose "America the Beautiful" and I have been listening to her practice that song in the car non-stop for two full weeks! I thought I'd die if I ever had to hear it again. The worst came when Justin was in the car because he'd try to sing louder than she was singing and they would, of course, correct each other each time they didn't think the other had used the words "thy" or "thee" correctly. My favorite debate was about how you should properly sing "...and crown my hood, it's brotherhood..."

Justin has always been a ham on stage and, as you can see, Annalise has no fear up there either. The teachers have been telling me all week that Annalise carries the class in rehearsal and she certainly didn't let them down today! Before she went to line up for her walk to the stage, I told her to sing for her Daddy. She most certainly did! I'm quite sure that all of America heard her singing her little heart out. I was, as usual, the crying mom in the front row so you'll have to forgive the shaky video recording.

1 comment:

  1. That's my little girl. Singing loud and proud!

    Love that cutie pie.
