Tuesday, July 6, 2010

What a Day

I'm sorry I don't have any pictures to share with you, but we had an afternoon that you'll want to hear about! Today was Annalise's first day back at Neisha's Dance where she got to spend a day back together with Ms. Angela! She had a good time and was promoted to the next class. We thought that would be the highlight of the day but all of the excitement came later.

At about 4:00 we saw smoke in the sky and our neighbor let us know that there was a fire down by the pool. (She said there was another one started in the same place by some kids in February). We saw the fire department helicopter overhead and decided to take a walk down to the park to see if we could get a good view of the action. Sure enough, we got close enough to be able to feel the "rain" from the hoses and the buckets being dumped from the helicopter. I heard that the police spoke to a little boy who said that he saw some bigger kids playing with matches.

After we watched the activity, we walked home to find a plumber laying down in our kitchen fixing the pipes. We stepped over him while we made sandwiches for dinner and headed to the race track. Let me back up on that one...

It's been a while since I wrote but what you've missed is that Polly, Zachary, and Zane were in California visiting when we arrived. Talk about the luck! We went to the BMX Track with Zachary last Friday night and Justin got the bug! He rode around the track and loved it! We found out that Chula Vista has a track about 30 seconds from our house so he asked if we could go there. He woke up this morning and put on his long pants and long sleeve shirt. When we mentioned that he might get hot during the day, he let us know that he needed to be wearing this so that he could go to the track later. (Think he was excited???).

We got to the race track and he walked right up to the booth to pay his fee and ask for a helmet. We went to the starting gates and I held his wheel like Polly taught me and we felt like we knew what we were doing. The guy in the gates was awesome and he gave Justin some pointers. Justin took about 6 laps around the track and came in for a snack. After his sandwich he headed back out and had a great ride around once before meeting me at the starting gate again. We lined up, he got set up for his start, he stood up on his bike the way the guy at the gate taught him, and he tore out of the gate faster than I've ever seen. I was walking out of the gates to watch him because I knew he had more speed than ever before ... when ... I saw... the ... crash.

I saw him on the hill and I expected him to hop up like he normally does. He didn't. I asked if I could go down to him and the starter said I could so I ran down there. I knew he had been hurt but I didn't think it was very bad. We moved him off the track so that the next group could start and I got him to control his breathing so that I could figure out what was wrong. It was his arm and he was holding it out for me to look at.

I said to him, "It looks like you got quite a bit of road rash!" and he smiled. We walked off the track and he hiked up the hill while I carried his bike up and out of the track. The starter yelled for him to get back on the horse and Justin gave him a "thumb's up" but said he was done for the evening. We sat on the benches for a while because I was surprised that he was so sad. I asked if he wanted to stay and watch a race and he said he wanted to go. I asked him if it hurt bad enough to go get X-Rays and he said, "Yes, kind of...".

We went to the emergency room and Justin was HILARIOUS!!! He had the nurse laughing as he got admitted and the nurse even asked if he had hit his head because his jokes were really good ones. Justin started laughing at himself and headed back out to the waiting room. We immediately got called back for an X-Ray and Justin got the tech laughing again. I watched the first X-Ray come up on the screen and I took a closer look because it looked like there was some kind of feather or dust on the screen. Nope, it wasn't something on the screen. I said, "I'm not a doctor but that looks like a break to me!" Justin came strolling over and said, "Oh yah! I think it's safe to say I broke my arm!"

The rest of the evening went somewhat the same. Justin entertained the nurses and doctors and even had the girl in the next bed laughing when she had come in crying with a broken thumb. We read a book together and he sent text pictures to his Dad. He said, "So THIS is what it's like to break a bone! Not bad...not bad at all...but I don't really want to wear a cast for 6 weeks."

He's home now and he's resting. He's in a good mood and he's laughing about his hospital gown. As he was falling asleep, he asked me how long the itching would last because it was really annoying him but he didn't really care about much else. When we said our prayers, he asked for his arm to heal "super fast" so that he could try his jump again. I mentioned that maybe a camp or something would be a good idea so that he could learn proper technique and he thought that maybe he'd be up for that.

That's my kid!!! Takes a lick and keeps on tickin'!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog! It's neat to see the kids. We hope Justin is feeling better - BJ points out he has a good story to share if asked how his arm broke.
    Charity & BJ
