(All limbs are still in tact at this point)
I know, I know...we've fallen off the face of the Earth recently. I'm sorry!
Before Justin broke his arm, I left you along our road trip at Nana's House. That certainly feels like a lifetime ago! We left Nana's and drove through "my" Colorado Mountains during sunset. I was in heaven and I shared with the kids that I honestly believe God Himself lives in those mountains. It's simply magical there. We stopped in VAIL and rode the Gondola up to Mid-Vail just before it closed. The kids had a good time but they were less than pleased when the ride stopped for a few minutes and we were left hanging in the air. Hunter was getting worried but his Mom did not hesitate to take advantage of the opportunity to tease him, "Hunter? Do you think we will have to stay here all night long?" He was sweatin' it!!!!
We ate at Garfinkel's, the site of many famous "Apres Ski" afternoons and I purchased(!) a pint glass for us to take home to John. The kids had a good time testing our patience because we found seats at the very back of the restaurant near the video games and pool table. We spent the meal lovingly reminding them to "sit down," to "get off the pool table," to "stop stepping on your sibling," or to "get out of the sniper position and stop shooting everyone in sight!!!" I love Autumn's son Colin to death and I took advantage of every opportunity he gave me to spend time with him. Wouldn't you know it, he chose that evening to snuggle into my arms and be carried all the way from Garfinkel's (elevation: 10,000 feet), up the stairs to the parking garage, and all the way to the top level where the Suburban (elevation 10,200 feet) was waiting for us. Talk about a workout!
The next day we drove all the way to the Grand Canyon where John was waiting for us. I spoke to him a couple of times on the phone along the way and I noticed that he was a little "off". I thought he must be tired but I worried for a minute or two that I was talking to Autumn about super secret Navy stuff because he didn't seem pleased when I mentioned to him that we were talking about what job he might be doing next. It all came to make sense when I saw him that evening.
We parked the car and the kids tore off to check out our room just as he caught me in a huge bear hug. He was hugging me tighter than normal and I could feel his heart beating about a thousand times faster than I would have thought possible. I can't remember exactly what he said but the main idea is all that really matters. He's going on an IA to Qatar for 13 months leaving in September. He told me he had known for a couple of days but that he didn't want to tell me over the phone. That was a good choice because my waterworks started right about then and they didn't stop! I told Autumn what was going on and she was so good (as always) at just being a calm friend helping me keep it all in perspective by going about life like normal. This kind of news does strange things to a person and I remember all kinds of crazy thoughts keeping me up that night while everyone else was sleeping. The worst was when I convinced myself that I deserved this little piece of news because I had been enjoying the independence I had while John had been in Florida. By "enjoying", I mean that I liked having half the laundry to do, I had enjoyed having control of the remote, and I had been very pleased to be the sole recipient of my kids' hugs and kisses. I kept counting months in my head and wondering how exactly people do this! I was prepared for 7, 8, 9, or even 10 months but 13 just seemed like a bad joke.
So the Grand Canyon was bittersweet for me. I was so happy to see John again but I had a hard time enjoying the scenery and I spent a lot of time lost in my own thoughts.
Fortunately, Justin had an amazing time! He and John left the rest of us to do the tourist route and they went for a hike about a mile and a half down the Bright Angel trail! Justin loved it and I am fairly certain that John did too. I got them matching T-Shirts and Justin wore his for three days straight before I could talk him out of it. I hope he always remembers that day with his Dad because I know it was a special one for John.
I said Good-Bye to Autumn and the kids in Phoenix and they made it home to Michigan without any drama. After going through so much with her at my side, it was hard to let her go! I remember Hunter being a big, brave kid and lugging their huge red suitcase to the curb before getting his little sister and brother under control while I hugged Autumn and cried just a little bit more.
When we got home to San Diego, we were so lucky to have Polly and her kids here to greet us. It made my kids realize that no matter where they are, they have friends to count on and that life most certainly goes on. Polly introduced us to a new family in the area with kids to play with and she showed us a part of San Diego that was previously undiscovered by our family. We went go-kart racing and we learned about BMX (little did we know how THAT would impact our lives!) which Justin seems to love. I am reminded every day that if I will simply open my eyes and be ready for them, new experiences are waiting for me around every corner.
Our Fourth of July was spent unpacking the house. Our neighbors Sylvia, Jake, & Milo invited us over to watch fireworks from their backyard and I was so thankful to have them here to welcome us. I miss Attleboro Ave more than I can say, but I am careful to remember "Onward and Upward!" when smiling faces are waiting to greet me here as well. We also have new neighbors next door to us who are very serious bikers and they assured Justin that broken bones come with the territory. (Sidenote: We met Greg Romero when we went back to show John the track and he let Justin know that he started racing at 8, that broken bones are OK, and that getting right back to it was the secret! He told us about some classes that Justin should take when he gets better...and when football season is over).
I'll close this with the admission that I've had a rough couple of weeks and I think the kids have as well. The very bright spots have come when I've had some time with each of the kids, one on one, working to learn something new. With Justin, it was the time we spent at the racetrack and, sadly, in the hospital emergency room. With Annalise, it's been having her snuggle up on my lap and talk through how much she misses her friends while looking to me for a promise that she will make new ones very soon. Yesterday we took a walk on the Coronado Beach together and I was finally able to feel the peace I had been looking for when I looked out at the sand where we took family pictures 8 years ago. It also helped when I was reminded that the ice cream at Hotel Del is still the answer to all problems in the world.