Friday, May 18, 2012

Family Adventure

Where in the world are we these days? 

Well, with the launch of Petit Bistro Photography, we're commonly found behind the lens.  Justin and Annalise have been very patient about heading out to photo shoots on all (and I mean ALL) of their free time recently.  Here's Justin, muddy knees and all, working on his homework at the baseball field this past week while I did a Team Shoot for the little league.  Annalise found a new friend this particular day (there have been many, I think she was playing with Bella this time) and they were digging up cups of dirt and serving some kind of dust soup to the parents. 

It's not just sports events for us!  They spent John's birthday this year playing in the waves on Coronado Beach while we did our first Family Portrait shoot.  For a minute that night I thought I had lost them and a bit of panic set in for this usually relatively calm mother.  I started the frantic search and thankfully after about a minute, I found Justin's feet kicking up above the sea wall.  I'm not sure what he was doing because I couldn't see his body (just kicking legs - straight out of a cartoon) but I knew the feet were his!  A second later, Annalise's head bobbed up and I saw that she was supervising whatever activity was going on.  I figured they were safe as long as she was in charge. 

Although they usually complain when we head out the door, they always manage to have a good time once we get there.  If our business becomes successful, it will be based on the efforts of all four members of our family and our kids are so much a part it all.  I hope they're making good memories along the way because in this world of digital and electronic everything, at the very least, they are forced outdoors on a regular basis.  With their Mom and Dad.  I love it!