Thursday, December 23, 2010


Justin and Bluette

Justin had a fish several years ago. He was a Beta and his name was Blue. Justin got Blue on his second birthday because we had a Finding Nemo party for him where everyone went home with a fish. Blue survived a few months and then met with an untimely death when Justin (then 3) dumped the whole can of food in the fishbowl. John tried to rescue him but the fast transfer to freezing cold water might have been too much for the little guy.

Earlier this month, Justin gathered up his money and he decided to go to Petco and get a fish to bring home. I gave him a budget to work with and he went to the store with Nana (who was under strict instructions not to supplement the shortfall in his budget if there was one!). He came home with a receipt showing that he had followed the rules and successfully purchased a fish, a tank, fish food, decorations, a net, and chlorine treatment for the water.

Justin took excellent care of his new pet and I was very proud of him! I am always nervous when it's time to change the water in the tank because there are a million things that can go wrong. Justin did that job all by himself the first time under the watchful eye of Gran and Grandad so I decided to stay out of his way when he did it again. Unfortunately, the second time proved fateful. I'm not sure what happened because the fish survived the transfer, the cleaning, several hours in a glass, and the return to the tank. We don't have a cat, and I don't think Jasmine bothered her, but I wonder if a child tried to "rescue" the fish from some non existent drama at some point because when I looked at her a few days later, her fin was missing. Anyway, we laid "Bluette" to rest in our back yard on December 23rd, 2010.

Justin performed the ceremonies and said a few loving words for his dear, departed fish. He says he's not ready to get another fish just yet because he doesn't want to risk another animal's life. That child has a heart of gold! I've assured him that he is a responsible pet owner and encouraged him to try again. I am hopeful that another fish joins our family sometime soon.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Horah

Clowning Around - Before the show
(Blue and White shirts for The Horah; Yellow for Kwanza)

Dancing the Horah

Front & Center!

Justin spent the past few weeks talking about "a dance" that he was learning at school but I never really focused on what he was telling me. I assumed that it was something that they were doing in gym class and I had a flashback to his second grade experience where he had to learn how to Do-Si-Do. He was not a fan...

After weeks of talking about it, as he was getting ready for school on the morning of the 15th, he reminded me that he needed a blue shirt to wear to the performance. I, of course, got irritated because I didn't know ahead of time and I had a serious "Mom Talk" with him about being responsible and planning ahead. He listened to the whole tirade, got a happy little smile on his face, and he calmly said to me, "Mom? Do you remember the yellow piece of paper that Ms. Hansen sent home?" Crow tastes better warm...

Justin danced The Horah with his third grade buddies and when they were done, they watched the other third graders perform a dance in celebration of Kwanza. Both dances were amazing and I watched (of course) with tears in my eyes along with the other sappy moms that I have recently gotten to know. The part I will always remember the most is that when the dance ended, they had to rush as a group to the front of the stage. Justin did his signature "knee slide" and purposely beat the other kids to the center so that he would be sitting right in front of the microphone. Always the ham...